Consultant Services for
Community Risk Assessment and
Standards of Cover Product Development
Consultant Services for
Community Risk Assessment and
Standards of Cover Product Development
The Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority (The Agency or CAFMA), Prescott Valley, AZ and the Prescott Fire Department are seeking Statements of Qualifications from qualified consultants (the “Consultant”) interested in providing consulting services in connection with the Agencies desire to conduct a Community Risk Assessment and produce a joint Standards of Cover document. The purpose of this RFQ is to identify the most qualified candidates to provide the services required.
Submittals must be received before 12:00 p.m. Arizona time on February 23, 2024. Proposals received after that time and date will not be considered unless the Agency determines that ALL other timely-received proposals are insufficient. In that case, all late proposals shall be opened and considered. It is the responsibility of the Consultant to ensure the proposal arrives before the time and date stated above. The Agency reserves the absolute right to reject any and all submissions deemed to be incomplete, non-responsive or not meeting the stated standards for the project, to waive any deficiencies, and to accept the proposal deemed most advantageous and in the best interest of the agencies and the taxpayers.
All costs incurred in any way whatsoever in the preparation and presentation of a proposal shall be wholly the responsibility of the Consultant submitting the proposal. The proposal and all supporting documentation shall become the property of the requesting agencies and will constitute a public record. Questions regarding the above request for qualifications may be directed to:
Dustin Parra, Accreditation Manager
[email protected]